
Charles Dickens
 Great expectation

I remember, when I was a little child how I am going to walk. It was summer time. Before I went to walk, I saw a little piece about movie in TV. In this movie was graveyard, a little boy in there and an escaped prisoner. Other memory about this story is about one Finnish comics, Illustrated classic story (Kuvitetut klassikot). From that comic I remember very old lady, little peculiar, dried, old wedding cake and very odd athmosphare in room where old lady lived, and little girl.

With these memories I read Charles Dickens'es Great expectation. I found it from second hand shop and I thought, to buy or not to buy? I'm happy that I bought this book, because this story is wonderful. I love Dickens. Specially David Copperfield is my favour and Two town.

Great expection is Pip's story. Pip is orphan boy who live with his sister and sister's husband. Sister doesn't very friendly but sister husband is Pip's best friend, good and kind. What kind man Pip is? Well, it's a point of this story and that you must read.

Choices, good one or bad one will influence for life time, but their need not to be end of life. That is also true in Pip's life.

Story is little bit sad, but any way, I recommend to read this book. It's good, interesting and humorous. As usually Dickens'es characters are interesting and various.